
27th June 2024

Inertial motion capture has transformed the way we capture movement, enabling artists, creators and other users to break free from the limitations of studios and complicated setups. With on-body sensors and wireless connectivity, actors can move and express freely. However, there’s always the fear of going out of range.

Imagine this: you're filming a high-powered action sequence with Xsens mocap suits. The actors are moving freely, the energy is high – and then it happens. The signal drops and so does your heart as you realize you've lost connection, potentially losing valuable motion data.

This out-of-range issue stems from the fact that wireless systems such as Xsens Awinda and Link, rely on an access point for communication. While the range of these systems is impressive, typically around 150 meters, it's not infinite. What happens when you cross that limit? Xsens has you covered.

Ensuring mocap continuity 

When it comes to capturing movement, lost data isn’t just an inconvenience; it can be a costly setback that can seriously hinder production. Reshoots, delays, frustrated teams and mounting costs are the all-too-common consequences. No one wants that. Accuracy and fluidity are paramount in many motion capture applications, including films, gaming, sports. Range had been a significant pain point; until we came up with a solution that changed the game.

Un’losing’ the lost data

At Xsens, we refused to let range be a barrier to creativity. Instead, we tackled the problem head-on with an ingenious solution – on-body buffering; and this is how it works on the Xsens Awinda and Link motion capture systems.

  • Xsens Awinda: When an Awinda sensor loses connection with the access point during a session, it stores the motion data directly on the sensor itself.
  • Xsens Link: The Link system takes it a step further. Data is buffered on the body pack, ensuring a seamless transition when the connection is restored.

The key to this innovation lies in precise time-stamping. Each data packet is marked with a precise timestamp, allowing Xsens' software to reassemble the data in perfect order, even after a temporary disconnect. This innovation has had a massive impact. Users can now venture beyond the traditional boundaries of mocap, knowing there’s no data lost. Imagine capturing a dancer's movements across a vast field, an athlete's sprint down a track, or a character's journey through a virtual landscape – all without losing any data.

See it in action

During live demos to clients, Xsens representatives often encourage clients to walk away, even out of the building. The software shows a temporary loss of connection, but as the person returns, the data seamlessly reappears. The result? A complete, uninterrupted motion capture file. It's testament to our commitment to empowering creators with unmatched freedom and flexibility.

The ‘out of range’ phenomena used to be the bane of many mocap projects. But thanks to Xsens' innovative on-body buffering, those days are over.

Ready to experience the freedom of Xsens motion capture? Contact us today to learn more.

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