Resources | Movella

Xsens Motion Capture Pricing?

Written by Xsens | Mar 10, 2025 2:26:32 PM

If you are researching Xsens motion capture, it is important to have all the information available to make an educated choice. In this overview you will find information about the following subjects related to Xsens motion capture:
1.    Xsens mocap solutions
2.    Benchmarking
3.    Pricing overview

1. Xsens motion capture solutions

The motion capture (or mocap) solutions by Xsens deliver the highest quality of data for your animation pipeline. Next to this, you will get a reliable and robust system that you can use anywhere. Not just in a motion capture stage, but also on set, outside, in your office, or even on top of the mountains. Xsens motion capture stands out because it gives you no cleanup, drift, or magnetic distortion. Additional features such as Height Tracking, extensive buffering, and On-Body Recording make it possible to get even more creative without having to deal with technical boundaries.
The quality of Xsens’ mocap solutions is undisputed in the community, many animators use Xsens because they need a reliable system and want no cleanup.

"I’d say to companies: You have to have that kind of suit; it’s got so much flexibility." - Claudius (Animation Supervisor at Trixter)

2. Comparing motion capture solutions

If you do benchmarking research to compare mocap vendors, you will come across different motion capture solutions such as optical, AI (markerless) and inertial. The quality coming from the Xsens system is considered the highest quality possible, similar to optical systems, meaning you have minimal cleanup, and you can use it directly in your pipeline. Xsens is the only inertial system delivering production quality data. Pricing and quality should be compared to optical motion capture, not inertial or AI motion capture.
Xsens delivers a high-end solution for animators who rely on their mocap to work and get the best quality data in their pipeline.

"Data quality is key to generating the best performance capture possible. For Actor Capture, Xsens consistently produces that quality." - James (Technical Director for Lyle, Lyle Crocodile

3. Xsens cost & pricing overview

Choosing the best Xsens mocap setup is not always as straightforward as we would like it to be. Different options, requirements, and challenges will be based on everyone’s situation.
To understand the cost of your solution, there is a hardware and software component that make up the full Xsens motion capture solution.

The hardware is a one-time fee, the software is subscription-based. The software subscriptions are yearly, but they are also available in 3 and 6 months for shorter-term projects.
The perfect combination of hardware and software depends on many factors. think of:

  • Will you use motion capture for live streaming, or do you have an offline pipeline?
  • How many actors will you capture at once?
  • What format do you use for your pipeline files?
  • Do you use third-party plug-ins?
  • Do you need additional positional adding?
  • Are you using time code?
  • Will you use the On-Body Recording feature?
  • Do you need custom scenarios?

The answers to these questions will determine the pricing of your Xsens hardware and software. Please get in contact to discuss the best solution. If you are looking for a starting point, hardware cost starts at $4,590, and a software subscription starts at $3,790.


Are you an Indie?

For Indie studios, there is the Xsens Indie Program, a program to support up-and-coming talent, making it easier to access Hollywood-grade motion capture on a budget. The program is designed to support a more affordable way to bring projects to life without having to compromise on quality.
The Xsens Indie program is available to you if you meet the following criteria:
•    You are a new Xsens customer
•    You have a registered company (CoC, VATno)
•    Your revenue over the last fiscal year is no more than $550,000 (€500.000)