MTi-610 IMU
The all-in-one MTi-610 provides calibrated data on the 3D rate of turn, acceleration, and magnetic field.
An industry-leading development platform
It’s lightweight, robust and cost-effective. You can seamlessly integrate it in your application either with the header facing down, directly mounted on a PCB, or as a standalone, with a flat cable for communication. The MTi-610 is part of the Mti-600 series and features native CAN support.
Complete and detailed specifications are available at mtidocs.xsens.com

Free to download MT Software Suite
The MT Software Suite contains a specially developed, easy-to-use graphical user interface, as well as drivers for various operating systems.
The suite comes with complete documentation. Of course, you can also always contact our technical support staff if you have questions.
Software programs include:
This provides you with easy access to all the functions of your MTi from the comfort of your office. MT Manager enables recording and playback of data, real-time data viewing, including graphs, and easy configuration of settings.
This program is for self-developing your software to communicate with our sensor, including programming examples for C, C++, C#, MATLAB, Python, ROS, and Nucleo/STM boards.
Magnetic Field Mapper (MFM) is a calibration tool for conducting magnetic calibration, available as GUI for Windows and as SDK.

MTi modules
The fully autonomous service robot called JEEVES is the world’s first to comply with the European Union’s safety regulations governing the operation of robots in public spaces. And to navigate its way around complex, crowded multi-story buildings such as hotels and hospitals, it needs highly accurate, reliable 3D motion tracking data – a requirement met by the compact Xsens MTi-610 sensor module.

Ready to buy?
Choose the option that works best for you
If you want to work with the MTi-610 for the first time, we recommend getting started with the MTi-630 DK.
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