MTi development kits
Develop a solution that perfectly answers the needs and criteria of your application.

Development kits: a starting point to 3D ingenuity
There’s no teacher like experience. Our Development and Starter Kits are a great way to gain first-hand experience with our 3D motion tracking products, while developing a solution that perfectly answers the needs and criteria of your application.

We created our Starter Kits (SKs) and Development Kits (DKs) for a single purpose: to make working with 3D motion tracking tech as easy as possible.
Our Development or Starter Kits offer key benefits you can’t get if you simply order an inertial motion tracking solution. Our kits:
- Are easy to connect to your PC and other hardware through plug and play access to all available interfaces (MTi 1/600-series Development Kits)
- Include all required accessories

Starter Kits are available for the ruggedized MTi-630R, MTi-670G and MTi-680G.
They are designed to get you started quickly and recording motion data within 5 minutes.
Development Kits are more extensive, and come with a development board for easy connection to different cable types, and expose all pins of the products. Development Kits are available for our MTi 1-series and MTi 600-series modules.

MTi Development KitsUse the table below to determine which kit
best suits your needs
best suits your needs
Both kits include everything you need to start, from supporting software to cables, antennas and manuals.
Buy industrial development kitMTi-3-DK
Xsens Vision Navigator-SK

Extensive software suite makes your job even easier
Each SK or DK comes with our MT Software Suite, which includes extensive, free software to help you integrate the kit into your application as easily as possible.
For example:
- MT Manager, our comprehensive, user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI), which enables recording and playback of data, real-time data viewers and graphs, and easy configuration of settings
- MT Software Development Kit (SDK) for self-developing your software to communicate with our sensor

Make it your own
The MT Software Development Kit (SDK) for self-developing your software to communicate with our sensor, includes:
Example code and API for various programming languages: C, C++, C#, Python and MATLAB
Example drivers for hardware/software: Nucleo/STM32 and Robotic Operating System (ROS)
Magnetic Field Mapper (GUI and SDK), for conducting magnetic calibration
Extensive documentation
Third-party compatibility with a range of hardware and software, such as NVIDIA Jetson series, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, lidar (e.g., Velodyne, Ouster), LabVIEW, ROS2 and Golang
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