User Permission
Movella.com Website
User Permission
(Effective January 1, 2023)
By submitting content or accepting our request to repost your content, you agree to grant Movella Inc. and its related entities and service providers (collectively “Movella”) permission and a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable right to use your video(s), photo(s) and other content that (i) you have tagged with #YesMovella, #XsensContest, or other designated Movella campaign hashtag together with your social media handle, social media user name, profile picture, caption and location information you may have included in your content and/or (ii) that you upload to our site or otherwise share with us (collectively “User Content”) in any media, including but not limited to on Movella webpages, social media pages and other digital media, newsletters, retailer sites, third party sites, print materials, in-store materials, television and other broadcast media, for its marketing and/or its advertising. Movella may use, reproduce, modify, delete in its entirety, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works in any manner in its sole discretion.
You represent and warrant that: (i) you own all rights in and to User Content, you have permission from any person(s) appearing in User Content to grant the rights herein, you are not a minor, (ii) the User Content is a true and accurate expression of your honest belief based on use of Movella products or services, and (iii) you have and will disclose receipt of any free product or incentives in exchange for providing User Content.
You hereby release, discharge and agree to hold Movella and any person acting on Movella’s behalf harmless from any liability related in any way with the User Content.
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