Day 1 of our Sports Conference, 'Combining Sports Kinetics and Kinematics', featured a wide range of expert speakers. In this blog we provide a full overview!
Conference speakers delved into the different tools that can be used and combined for performing analysis and research in sporting environments.
This included a detailed look at the latest innovations for measuring human motion in sports, such as EMG (electromyography) for muscle activation, force plates or software applications for calculating kinetics, and inertial systems to determine the kinematics of movement.
Speakers joined from organizations such as Delsys, Myontec, AnyBody Technology, Predimo, and TOP Biomechanics.
Quick links:
Session 1 -EMG as a Tool for Performance and Rehabilitation
By: Jonathan Hagyard, Product Specialist, Delsys
In his session, Jonathan demonstrates how to pair Delsys's EMG (Electromyography) technology and Xsens sensor fusion technology in applied settings for sports performance and rehabilitation.
Session 2 - Inertial Sensors in Football Research and Practice
By: Erik Wilmes, PhD researcher, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/KNVB
Inertial sensors have many applications in human motion analysis. In his presentation, Erik gave examples of how and when inertial sensors are used specifically in football research and practice. The applications range from training load quantification to testing in injury rehabilitation.
Session 3 - Smart Clothing Technology for Sports, Wellbeing, and Physiotherapy
By: Pekka Tolvanen, Founder & Senior Adviser, Myontec
Myontec produces wearable technology to assess neuromuscular load, heart rate, and body movements in various sports and ergonomics. Pekka Tolvanen speaks to how their technology is used to rehabilitate sport-related injuries.
Session 4 - Knowing how AnyBody Runs
By: Bjørn Keller Engelund & Kristoffer Iversen, Anybody Technology
Combining the readily accessible sensor systems from Xsens and the advanced musculoskeletal models from the AnyBody Modeling System, Bjørn and Kristoffer show how they can record runners in-location, and visualize how that runner would look when certain parameters of the running style are altered.
Session 5 - Predicting Joint Forces and Ground Reaction Forces Based on Kinematics Using the Concept of a Virtual Pivot Point
By: Professor Heiko Wagner, CTO, CRO & Co-Founder, Predimo GmbH
In this session, Professor Heiko Wagner compares predicted joint forces based on the ComputerMyoGraphy with an instrumented knee prosthesis. The VPP concept states that the ground-reaction-force intercept is a point. The VPP concept and the ComputerMyoGraphy was used to predict the best ground-reaction-force in a decent time.
Session 6 - Inertial Sports Kinematics for Performance Enhancement and Injury Prevention
By: Alex Moorhead, Founder and President & Jorge Storniolio, Chief Research Officer, TOP Biomechanics
The tandem from TOP Biomechanics showcase a both a long-term and short-term case study detailing how, by capturing field-of-play athlete kinematics, they can help coaches build a customized training plan for enhancing their athlete’s performance and mitigating risk of injury.
Session 7 - Xsens MVN Case Studies in Sports and Future Development
By: Carmen van den Hoven, Team Leader Solutions, Xsens | Movella
In the final session from Day 1, representatives from Xsens | Movella share sports case studies showing the applications of Xsens' motion capture system and how the brand new MVN Reporting solution can power next-level sports analysis.
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Whether you are an expert in biomechanics, sports science, ergonomics, health or rehabilitation, what you want is reliability and accuracy of your data. Meet Xsens MVN Analyze, our proprietary full-body human motion capture system.