At Xsens, we believe that our system is the first-choice motion capture solution for developers and studios alike, across small and large-scale production. Our website is full of in-depth information covering the many benefits Xsens offers, sharing technical tutorials, customer insights, and much more.
But we’re biased.
So why not hear it directly from the mocap community? We love to hear from our users and strongly encourage reviews and comparisons, so we’d like to share some of our active users’ experiences and let you hear an unbiased account of what working with Xsens technology is really like.
Reviews and comparisons
These impartial reviews by mocap enthusiasts share a user insight into Xsens technology, comparing it to alternative solutions such as Vicon, Optitrack, Rokoko and Perception Neuron. The videos provide live demos of each motion capture system, reviewing the Xsens, Rokoko, Perception Neuron and other systems’ positive features and drawbacks.
Each of the videos below is unbiased and based solely on the reviewer’s experiences.
Viz Guru: Rokoko Vs Xsens
Viz Guru is a self-employed 3D generalist specialized in 3D renderings, content and tutorials. In one of his videos he shared his take on the difference between Rokoko and Xsens motion capture:
Check out this first impressions review of Xsens Awinda Strap
Ron Ducats YouTube channel shares fist impression on Xsens Awinda straps and showcase the application process. Find out how Cristian spend first hours unboxing and putting everything together.
Thoughts on Xsens Link system from Filmstorm
Australia's premier Motion Capture Studio Filmstorm shares their experience working with Xsens Link system. Studios Director Kieren Hovasapian says: “We have been putting it through it's paces while working remotely and so far the results have been exceptional.”
Watch this review of Perception Neuron, Vive VR, and Rokoko in comparison to the Xsens system
There are multiple motion tracking system options to choose from, and for that reason, it's crucial to understand your needs. This comparison video covers the four most known manufacturers, and Xsens is one of them!
Xsens MVN Link Mocap Data in iClone ~ First Annitandra Mocap Session from Nkoza & Nankya
Solomon Jagwe, a Creator and Director of the Adventures of Nkoza and Nankya had a good experience with Xsens MVN Link Motion Capture Suit. Check out his first session using the Xsens MVN Link Motion capture Suit in person.
Here is a user review of Xsens Awinda after eight months
It's been eight months since Christian got his brand new Xsens Awinda, and there are some things worth mentioning. Find out what new findings and challenges he faced while actively using our system.
Hand-on training by mocap expert Simon Key (Double Negative)
Everything you need to know to setup, calibrate, capture and live stream mocap data using an Xsens MVN Link Motion Capture System.
MVN Animate is Xsens' proprietary software application to record and view motion capture data for Xsens MVN motion capture. By requesting a trial you can try out this software yourself.
During the trial period you will have a fully functional version of the software, including pre-recorded data.