
4th February 2022

About ITC 22: The Future of Mobile Warehouse Robots

As part of the Industrial Technology Conference (ITC) series, 'The Future of Mobile Warehouse Robots' is aimed to give you valuable insights into indoor navigation technologies for Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). 

In warehousing and logistics environments, productivity demands are rising from people and robots. The 'traditional' AGV is being upgraded, and so-called AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robots) are entering the stage. Robots have become more intelligent and flexible in their routing and deployment, indoor and outdoor. The current technology- and price level of sensors and software to control these robots is maturing and improving the business cases of the underlying logistic concepts.

This conference featured speakers from NVIDIA, Ouster, Xsens, SICK and RLS who shared insights about the technology and applications of AMRs.


Session 1: Digital 3D Lidar- Powering the Future of Warehouse Automation

Nicolas Baroan Sales Executive for the industrials and robotics Market at Ouster (EMEA)


About this session
As warehouses evolve to keep up with demand, Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) continue to take on a greater number of tasks. What used to be just a few sensors per robot for basic route navigation and safety has now grown to several sensors, each with a dedicated purpose. Ouster's digital 3D lidar provides the field of view and resolution needed to condense the current sensor suites while improving the AMRs/AGVs accuracy of navigation, obstacle detection, and cargo detection.

Session 2: Sensor fusion and software solutions for Navigation and Environmental Perception

Thomas Moessner Strategic Product Manager LiDAR Localization at SICK


About this session
SICK is best known for its Safety Solutions in Mobile Platforms. In addition, Sick fully focuses on providing additional value to its customers by solving additional tasks based on sensor data fusion and software features. Sick would like to focus on two application examples in this session: User-friendly Navigation Functions and Load Detection and Vehicle Positioning.

Session 3: Encoders for AGV/AMR applications

Nejc Recelj Product Manager at RLS


About this session
During the session, Nejc presents which encoders are suitable for AGV/AMR applications based on his experience in these applications. RLS not only focuses on the technology but also on the technical requirements and the different types of AGV/AMRs.

Session 4: Multi-Sensor Fusion Hub

Fabian Girrbach Research engineer at Xsens


About this session
The diversity of indoor environments and application requirements for AGVs and AMRs make the problem of indoor localization such a challenging one. In this talk, Xsens will outline their vision and ideas for facilitating the integration of inertial motion sensors into a multi-sensor fusion setup yielding accurate state estimates of the system providing the necessary feedback to the systems control loop. Further, Fabian will explain why he thinks calibrated inertial motion data should be the backbone of state estimation in indoor environments, allowing robust state estimation under all conditions.

Session 5: Our vision for adopting Edge AI in Autonomous Machines

Eddie Seymour European Director for the Embedded business at NVIDIA
Teresa Conceicao Solution Architect at NVIDIA


About this session
Autonomous machines use AI to solve some of the world's toughest problems. The NVIDIA Jetson™ platform provides you with the tools to develop and deploy AI-powered robots, drones, and other autonomous devices, that sense & think for themselves. Eddie was joined by Teresa, one of our experts in Robotics, who will add technical context to the presentation.

Session 5: Our vision for adopting Edge AI in Autonomous Machines

Katherine Scott Developer Advocate at Open Robotics


About this session
Many Autonomous Mobile Robots are making use of ROS and ROS2. After this session, we will know more about how ROS is used, how ROS will impact Mobile Robots' future in Warehouses, and where ROS will evolve in the years to come.

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