At Xsens we strongly believe the driving force behind our company’s success are the people who work there. We are a company that takes pride in having a diverse team of colleagues with different backgrounds and strengths.
We would like to give you a glimpse behind the scenes by shining a light on the #peopleofxsens. This time our passionate interns from HR and Engineering Team have the floor.
Wouter van Wensveen (20), Student at Tilburg University, Intern employer branding.

Wouter is our intern employer branding! Wouter is currently in his third year of his Bachelor International Business Administration and as a part of his bachelor he had the choice to do an internship. He is really into race sports, he also races motorcycles himself.
What is your current occupation?
As an intern employer branding my main task is to make Xsens more attractive in the labor market. One of the things which makes this internship extremely fun and challenging at the same time is the fact that there were no previous efforts with regard to the employer branding. I therefore started out with a lot of research about employer branding in general and based on this research I created a plan. I then started interviewing employees and conducted a questionnaire on students. As of right now I am creating promotional videos for each department in order to get people excited to work at Xsens.
What makes it awesome to do an internship at Xsens?
One of the first things is the company itself. They make great products and the customers they have are impressive. It is fun to be a part of the company. Next to this, the working environment is also really open and fun. Even as an intern people are still interested in what I am working on and want to have a small talk, I feel really involved because of this. With my internship I got a lot of flexibility. With this comes a lot of responsibility because there is no one who is constantly checking you and the work you perform. For me this worked out well since I am very motivated to deliver proper work. I also like the fact that they listen to you if you have an idea about a certain thing. It is not as if they immediately think your idea is useless since you are just an intern. I feel appreciated in the company.
How would you describe Xsens in five words?
Fun, Impactful, Challenging, Satisfactory, Educative
Paul Stoffels (24), Student at Twente University, Intern product engineering.

Paul is one of the interns working at Xsens. He is our intern product engineering! The reason Paul is doing an internship is because he’s doing a master in mechanical engineering at the University of Twente. Paul also really enjoys sports. He likes to go to the gym and work out, but he also really enjoys windsurfing!
What is your current occupation?
I am currently working to automize the calibration process of the magneto meter. This has been done manually up until now, but this takes quite a lot of time. In order to reduce the time spent on this I am designing a machine that could automatically do the same process. I first did a lot of research about how to tackle this problem. But after gathering enough information I started creating concepts and I ran a simulation to make sure that it would work. So in theory everything should work, but we will only know once I put everything together!
What makes it awesome to do an internship at Xsens?
For me it was the freedom. They gave me a very challenging and fun job, with a lot of responsibility. I was allowed to make own decisions and they really gave me room to develop myself. Experiencing this is fun, but more important very educational since it is a good glimpse of what the future could be like when you are done with studying.
How would you describe Xsens in five words?
Innovative, Growing, Sociable, Talented, Sporty
Stay tuned for more “behind the scenes” information about the #peopleofxsens!
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