Step forward Xsens Analyze

Xsens Analyze proprietary motion capture software lets you record and investigate the data from Xsens motion capture hardware systems.


With Xsens Analyze, you’ll get:


  • Lab-quality data in field conditions
  • Real-time visualization of full body kinematic data – e.g. joint angles, segment orientations, center of mass
  • A proven biomechanical model

What can you do with Xsens Analyze?

Xsens Analyze is a specialized piece of software designed to analyze full body kinematics, so you can get more out of your data. It features a scalable biomechanical model, and supports up to four hardware set-ups and multiple calibration routines.


Xsens Analyze motion capture suits

Xsens offers two motion capture hardware options for different needs and use cases: Xsens Link and Xsens Awinda. All set-ups use 17 sensors and provide exceptionally high-quality mocap data.


Depending on your (research) needs, application, and budget, you can choose the best suit option.


For precise hand and finger tracking, for instance, for Humanoid Robotics training, we offer Xsens motion capture gloves.

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Xsens Awinda

Xsens Link

17 wireless sensors
(plus 1 extra sensor)
17 embedded sensors
(plus 1 extra sensor)
Full body strap set. This includes 3 t-shirts (sizes S, L, XXL) and a strap set
Full body Lycra suit available in 6 sizes (S-4XL)
Update Rate
Up to 60 Hz
Up to 240 Hz
Battery Life
6 hours
10 hours

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MVN Analyze



License-based MVN Analyze Pro are available to accommodate various needs. Additional features are added at each product level.

Xsens Analyze Pro

Our top-of-the-range version. Measure up to four subjects – even remotely. Or, add on-body recording to capture unlimited subjects.  


Export your full-body kinematics in multiple file formats. Synchronize with third party systems. And add 3D positional aiding. 

Learn more
Would you like to visualize your data in real time?

With Xsens Analyze Pro, you can visualize data on joint angles, acceleration and center of mass in real time.

Do you need the extra features of the MVN Link suit?

If you will be using the (Remote) On-Body Recording feature, then the answer is yes, you need MVN Analyze Pro.

Are you using third-party integrations?

Third-party instegrations, for example with Delsys or Cometa EMG Solutions, are available in MVN Analyze Pro.


Integrate with live and offline third-party tools

Live stream or export your motion capture data seamlessly with all major biomechanical and ergonomics packages, including:


•    Delsys 

•    Anybody technology

•    Visual3D (C-Motion)

•    BoB – Biomechanics of Bodies

•    Scalefit

•    OpenSim

•    Unity

•    Siemens PLM Software

•    Stretchsense

•    Dassault Systèmes

•    D-LAB

•    ViveLab Ergo

•    Moveshelf

•    NAWO Live

We also provide plugins for finger tracking, EMG, positional aiding and more.

Xsens Analyze feature overview

This table gives you a complete overview of the  Xsens Analyze Pro Software.

If you have any questions please contact us.

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Xsens Analyze Pro

High performance

Record MVN files

Replay recorded files

Xsens Live Engine data quality


Xsens HD Reprocessing Engine data quality


Full magnetic immunity


Number of live subjects supported

Multiple (max. 4 subjects)
(unlimited with on-body recording)

Upload files to Xsens MotionCloud



Available in software

- MVNX (all data)


- C3D
- MP4 (movie)


Stream recorded files

Plugins and third-party compatibility

- Delsys Trigno EMG
- Cometa EMG
- Unreal Engine
- Unity 3D

Remote control

MVN Remote app


Soft access point

Live streaming:
- Quaternian & Euler
- Position & Orientation

- Unity 3D
- Unreal Engine
- Siemens
- Dassault
- BoB

Extended live streaming:
- Virtual optical marker set
- Full body kinematics (joint angles, segment orientations and acceleration, etc.)


3D positional aiding with HTC Vive


3D positional aiding with GNSS (GPS)

Network sync


On-body recording (OBR)


Remote on-body recording


Suit configuration:
Full body
Lower body
Upper body
lower body plus sternum


Finger tracking Manus/Stretch Sense


Xsens Analyze trial version

Try Xsens Analyze by downloading a trial version and motion capture files. After the trial period ends, you can get a yearly subscription or a lifetime license.

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Request a quote for Xsens motion capture system

We offer smart bundles of hardware, software, and cloud reporting options optimized for use in research, sports science, ergonomics, and rehabilitation.


Don’t hesitate to reach out, and we will tailor your package to your specific needs and budget.

Contact us →
PR23 - Movella - BMW - Horizontal

Occupational Health & Safety with Xsens Analyze

The BMW Group is revolutionizing Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) by using Xsens technology to evaluate physical strain on production workers.


With Xsens' OHS solutions, you can streamline ergonomic analysis, prioritize employee well-being, and improve productivity with objective data and insights.


Research &
validation papers

Movella technologies are helping universities and research institutes around the world to bring meaning to movement. You’ll find details of research conducted using Movella products – as well as validation studies carried out by independent researchers on our products.

Learn more  →


Research and validation

Movella technologies are helping universities and research institutes around the world to bring meaning to movement. Find details of research conducted using Movella products – as well as validation studies carried out by independent researchers on our products.  

Research and validation  →
Health and sports

See why motion capture is the secret to preventing or reducing injuries, improving strength and conditioning, and enhancing workplace ergonomics.

Health and sports  →
Research and education

Discover how motion capture can drive innovation in biomechanical research, sports science and human machine interaction.

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