23rd May 2022

Ryōyū Kobayashi achieves Olympic gold with the help of Movella’s Xsens Motion Capture

May 24, 2022

24 May 2022 - Olympic ski jumper Ryōyū Kobayashi’s team harnessed Movella’s Xsens high-quality 3D motion tracking technology in the athlete’s training leading to both Gold and Silver medals at the 2022 Winter Olympics. The use of the Xsens solution played a significant role in helping him achieve this success.

Professors Keizo Yamamoto of Hokusho University and Makoto Tsubokuraabout of Kobe University/RIKEN used Xsens MVN Link suit as part of their Ski-Jumping research with the National Training Center (NTC) in Sapporo, Japan.

With Movella’s Xsens motion capture technology, Professor Yamamoto and Professor Tsubokuraabout were able to visualise the invisible airflow and aerodynamic forces, which made it easier for them to present data to Ryōyū Kobayashi. The Xsens MVN Link suit worn by Kobayashi in the trial jump was also chosen for its robustness and close proximity to a ski-jumpers suit, which allowed him to perform in his natural state.

“With Xsens motion capture technology, we were able to visualise the invisible airflow and aerodynamic forces, so it was possible to explain the data much easier to the athletes. I believe that this will facilitate communication between athletes and coaches and improve the quality of training.” - Professor Makoto Tsubokuraabout, Kobe University/RIKEN

“We considered various manufacturers, and then chose Xsens MVN for the reason that it can accurately measure the posture of the jumper and the ski boards. We needed a system that is as light in weight and small in size as possible. Xsens met all these requirements.” - Professor Keizo Yamamoto, Hokusho University.

“Congratulations to Ryōyū Kobayashi on this incredible achievement. We work hard to improve the effectiveness of athlete performance with innovative technology breakthroughs, and we are proud that our motion capture technology has played an integral part in their success.” - said CJ Hoogsteen, VP Sales & Marketing at Movella.

About Movella

Movella is a global innovator of advanced technologies and products that digitize movement. Movella serves the entertainment, sports & health, and industrial automation & mobility markets. Our innovations enable a wide range of existing and emerging high-growth markets by sensing, capturing, and transforming movement data into meaningful and actionable insights. Partnering with leading global brands such as Electronic Arts, NBC Universal, Netflix, Daimler, Siemens, and over 500 sports organizations, we are creating extraordinary outcomes that move humanity forward. To learn more, visit https://www.movella.com.

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