Worker at an industrial plant wearing Xsens Awinda suit

Improved efficiency with familiar ergonomic standards

Unlock the power of digitization while adhering to familiar ergonomic standards with the Xsens Ergo bundle. This entry-level package seamlessly integrates standardized cloud reporting into your existing workflow, allowing for a smooth transition to a digital era without compromising established practices. Standardized reports include RULA, REBA, and Adjustable Ergo.


Xsens Ergo
MVN-Analyze-Awinda---Ergonomics-car-edited Work_xsens ergocert-1 Awinda ergonomics 2


  • Xsens Awinda or Xsens Awinda Starter ?


  • Standarized ergonomic reporting ?
  • Familiar standards
    Maintain consistency with your accustomed ergonomic standards such as RULA, REBA, and Adjustable ergonomics.
  • Objective workflow
    Enhance objectivity in assessments by digitizing your workflow.
  • Increased efficiency
    Explore more analysis options within a working day, boosting overall efficiency.
  • Cloud accessibility
    Access reports from anywhere, at any time.

Why Xsens?
  • Simplifies complex kinematic data for instant comprehension. 
  • Automates report generation for ergonomics assessments 
  • Receive a tailored report within minutes, featuring 3D avatar visualization of motion data
Why Xsens Awinda?
  • Xsens Awinda: Motion capture system with 17 wireless sensors and adjustable straps. 
  • Fast, easy, and reliable for capturing regular motions in diverse work settings. 
  • Wearable over clothing, ideal for real-life working conditions.  
