forces Joining forces in the mastering of movement

By combining the prowess of multiple motion pioneers, Movella has created a unique enterprise able to offer unrivaled solutions that lead to increasingly sophisticated offerings to both business customers and consumers.

vidsion Our vision

To move humanity forward by bringing meaning to movement.

mission Our mission

Our mission is to digitize movement so people can extract meaning and impact positive change. We provide intelligent solutions for sensing, capturing, and analyzing motion and states of being. Our products accelerate innovation and create extraordinary outcomes in entertainment, sports, health, and industrial markets.

Meet the Movella team

Movella is a truly global enterprise, both in where we are (three continents) and who we are. Our leaders, directors, and staff are citizens of the world as well as accomplished individuals, all drawn to fulfilling our unique vision.

Eric Salzman ET Eric Salzman CEO View bio >
Steve_Smith-Movella Steve Smith CFO View bio >
Igor-1 Igor Ikink Director Engineering View bio >


Our global locations