
Understanding the capabilities and restrictions of athletes is essential

Sports science studies how the healthy human body works during exercise, and how sport and physical activity promote better health from a cellular to a whole body perspective. Traditionally, this incorporates areas of physiology, psychology, anatomy, sports biomechanics, biochemistry, and biokinetics.


Through the study of science and sport, a greater understanding of how the human body reacts to exercise, training, different environments, and many other stimuli has been developed. Sports biomechanics focuses on the physics of human performance in sports.


Small margins can lead to big wins

In sports, it’s often the small details that lead to a big win. Athletes and the teams around them dedicate thousands of hours to preparing for competition. Supported by science, they analyze performance, diet, and fitness, all in an effort to gain and maintain a competitive edge. But that still isn’t enough.

Sports science

Make the most of your data

Two athletes stretching
Movella solutions

Movella is unrivaled in digitizing movement and providing actionable insights, by combining ready-to-use motion capture systems and analysis software. Movella’s team of experts will help you make the most of your data. 

Understanding the capabilities and restrictions of athletes is essential

Advancements in biohacking mean that athletes are no longer just competing against one another, but also against coaches, data scientists, and research teams who are constantly on the lookout for the latest tools they can use to enhance athletic performance. Additionally, athletes’ movements are individually unique, therefore a one-size-fits-all approach does not apply. Understanding the capabilities and restrictions of each athlete is essential.


Integrations and plugins for MVN Analyze

You can live stream or export your motion capture data seamlessly into your major biomechanics, ergonomics and analysis software packages, such as AnyBody, Visual3D or Siemens PLM software. Additionally, there are plugins available for finger tracking, EMG, positional aiding, and more.


You can find more information in our dedicated integration and plugins page.

Why Movella

Sports science with inertial sensor technology

MVN Analyze

MVN Analyze is specialized software for human motion measurement. MVN Analyze software lets you record, view and export the data from Xsens motion capture hardware systems (MVN Link, Awinda, Awinda Starter).

Learn more about Xsens Analyze →
MVN Link

MVN Link is the go-to solution for sports science. It has an update rate of 240 Hz, allowing for detailed data analysis of high dynamic movements. The wireless range out in the field is up to 150 m – the size of a standard sports track. 


The on-body recording pack allows you to record and store your movements for up to 10 hours. Walk a marathon, ride in a bike race, ski downhill. Almost anything is possible.

MVN Link →
MTw Awinda

MTw Awinda is a good solution for sports science. It uses 17 adjustable wireless sensors fitted onto the body to allow for fast, easy, and reliable motion capture. Ideal for low dynamic motions, it can be worn over clothing and be easily adjusted for various subjects. Combined with MVN Analyze software, the data gives you accurate analysis of the full range of motion captured.

MTw Awinda →
Sports Assist 4

Running into peak performance and recovery with inertial motion capture technology

A prevalent myth is that running is a cause of many injuries. More correctly, injuries are hastily brought on by both inadequate recuperation and bad running technique.

Read the blog →
