Training robots with high-precision human motion data

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#1 Solution for robot training

Xsens captures detailed human motion data through humanoid shadowing, enabling robots to learn and replicate lifelike movements. This real-time training enhances their agility and task precision, using AI deep learning to refine performance through iterative, accurate simulations.

High-quality data

Scientifically validated motion data for unparalleled training accuracy

Quick ROI

Create 200% more data in the same amount of time

Easy and scalable

Quick and easy setup of unlimited systems within 15 min

How does robot training with Xsens Motion Capture work?


A human operator wearing an Xsens suit controls the robot's movements in real time, capturing precise motion data.


The robot collects all sensor data during teleoperation to enhance its understanding of movement and environment.


Combined motion and sensor data are used for AI deep learning, refining the robot's movement patterns.


The robot autonomously performs learned movements in various conditions using AI-driven insights.

Body movement

Xsens Link

Hand capture

Xsens Metagloves by Manus


Xsens Analyze

Xsens SDK

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Humanoid robots creation process


Humanoid robot design


Human motion AI training with Xsens


Autonomous task execution by robot

Training humanoid robots of the future

Equipping humanoid robots with advanced human motion capabilities today prepares them for impactful roles in the future, blending human dexterity and AI to transform industries and enhance productivity in a multitude of key sectors:

Automative icon

Manufacturing: Automated labor for complex tasks

Service sector icon

Service sector: Customer service and support roles


Extreme maintenance: Robots in hazardous or remote environments

First response icon

First response: Robots for search, rescue, and security operations


Logistics: Efficient handling and management of goods

Housework icon

Housework: Everyday domestic tasks


Trusted by 100+ industry leaders worldwide

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Get in on the revolution in human-robot interaction